Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Paul Nicklen

Paul Nicklen is a Canadian marine biologist, activist, and photographer. He takes amazing, high detail photos of artic areas. and of the creatures that live in these polar regions. He aims to create emotional photographs and inform the viewer of these rarely seen parts of our world. He takes photos above and below water with some incredible shots in between. He is a photographer for National Geographic, creating documentary images.  I first learned about Paul Nicklen when I watched his TED Talk about how he became a polar photographer. He wants to share his photos to encourage people to take care of the planet so that these beautiful places and creatures don't disappear.

The images that I have picked to share are ones that clearly and masterfully demonstrate the use of fine-tuned exposure, ISO and aperture settings for different kinds of photos.

This elephant seal is throeing dirt on his back and with high shutter speed, Paul Nicklen was able to capture the dirt in mid-air without blur. He also used a low aperture to have the background in focus.

An Iceberg drifting in the Antarctic Sound
incredible detail on a large distant landscape needing a high aperture

King Penguin torso that shows water droplets on the fur. A high ISO was needed to get clear water droplets on the bird

A speedy Blue Shark captured with a somewhat high shutter speed

The Tail of an orca whale with water frozen in midair from the movement of the breeching Whale. High ISO and high shutter speed needed.

Waves crashing over a shoreline done with a slow shutter speed to create the blur of water over the rock

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